Honorary Chairmen of the Program Committee:

Acad. Chavdar ROUMENIN – Institute of Robotics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Chairmen of the Program Committee:

Professor Dr. Eng. Roman ZAHARIEV – Institute of Robotics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Members of the Program Committee:

  1. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Hiroaki WAGATSUMA – Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, KYUTECH, Kitakyushu, Japan.
  2. Assist. Prof., Dr. Nina ROBSON, California State University, Fullerton, USA
  3. Professor Dr., Eng. Dimcho Chakarsky – Technical University-Sofia, Bulgaria.
  4. Professor, Dr. Eng. Lubomir Dimitrov – Vice Rector-Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
  5. Professor Dr., Eng. Hristo Shehtov – Forest–Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
  6. Professor Dr., Eng. Vasil TRENEV – IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  7. Professor Dr. Pancho TOMOV – Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
  8. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Plamen RAYKOV – IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  9. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eng. Nina VALCHKOVA – Dept. R&M Int. Sys. IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  10. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Maya DIMITROVA – Interactive Robotics and Control Systems Department, IR-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  11. Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eng. Emil PETROV – IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.


Chairmen of the Organizing Committee:

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eng. Nina VALCHKOVA – Dept. R&M Int. Sys. IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Members of the Organizing Committee:

  1. Chief Assist. Prof., Dr. Eng. Georgi Angelov – National Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  2. Chief Assist. Prof., Dr. Eng. Yasen Paunski – National Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  3. Mag. of Sc., Icon. Dimitrina Ralcheva – IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  4. Mag. of Sc., Icon. Krasimira Petrova – IR – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.